Imam Sulejman Pekarić in conversations often mentions a mysterious book which contains everything about the human race, in the past, present and some guidelines for the future, It serves as a bridge which connects with the times and spaces which are unreachable by human eyes. It is the window in that part of the time in the sea of infinitude, which is given to the human race to create something which could be called heaven on earth, if they are capable and if they deserve it. That period lasts for 7000 years exactly and after that judgment day will come. That time is almost at an end, and according to Sulejman Pekarić, there is less than 50 years. Unfortunately, man didn't create the thing for which an opportunity was given. The answer to the question if this book deviated from the religious books and their messages we did not receive. The essence is obviously too mystic and available only to the chosen ones. My efforts to see the book, ended in absent gazes of the Imam. Inhabitants of the household explained that he guards this secret jealously and that it is hidden at a place that he only knows. It is, however, along with natural talent and gained knowledge, the thing that makes him a good mage among the Bosnian healers. With the help of this book after WWII he told the people from the new government what awaits their system which they will create in the future. This was recorded in hidden archives.
Until today that event matches the predictions. Imam Sulejman predicted the final events in Eastern Europe, but he considers that they, though positive won't end as people expect. He repeats that the period of 7000 years is almost at an end. Sometime after that, a new world will appear based on completely new values.
Until today that event matches the predictions. Imam Sulejman predicted the final events in Eastern Europe, but he considers that they, though positive won't end as people expect. He repeats that the period of 7000 years is almost at an end. Sometime after that, a new world will appear based on completely new values.