subota, 4. veljače 2017.

Genocide of our time - Srebrenica and Gaza

While on July 11th, 19 years from the genocide on Bosniaks in Srebrenica was marked, in Gaza, another genocide continued. It is a horrible feeling to arrive at the place of the lagest crime in Europe since WWII and listen at the same time how Jews are killing the Palestinian civilians at the same time. Watching the dismembered bodies of children, blood, listening to agonizing shouts... all of that was already seen in Bosnia.
And exactly in those days of the Israeli military aggression on Gaza, the same fear and desperation, blood and death connected two distant places in the same pain. And two nations - Palestinians and Bosnians.
While this year we buried 175 bodies, victims of genocide,  in the memorial centre Potočari, the Jews in the meantime killed over 200 Palestinians, mostly women and children. How many did the Jews actually killed in these 66 years of systematic ethnical cleansing it is difficult to say - a million, two million, three or even more? And so far they haven't been punished for any of those killings. They are very thankful to the USA which is a direct partner and participant of the genocide. USA participates very actively in that genocide and is trying very hard to protect the criminals, always vetoing any condemnation of the crimes. Similarly the USA abundantly help Israel financially and militarily in order for the Jews to continue their plan of ethnic cleansing. History has thought us that every time the USA vetoes against some resolution, condemnation or possible sanction on Israel because of their war crimes, at least a thousand Palestinians will be killed. Yes, it is the same USA that always acts as the police of the world, claims to be protecting human rights, and promotes democracy across the globe. Of course, it's all lies and a worn out phrase for the international public. Instead, the USA constantly injure human rights, participates in genocide, perform military invasion on other countries, robs natural resources of every country they attack, finances terrorism and organizes directed coups on all countries which are not obedient. That's why none of us should be surprised that the USA is on Israel's side and that it is actively engaged in genocide. What can connect two countries besides common interests?!
Gaza - blood, death and hope
For some time Gaza bears the name of the largest concentration camp in the history, whose existence the world has turned a blind eye. And all those doing that are becoming accomplices of the crime. Ethnical cleansing which the Jews undertook in Palestine in order to form an artificial structure which is today called Israel is the most gruesome example of the continuation of the Nazi ideology about a super race - one people which is better than others and which has the sole right to live.

Attacks on Gaza serve Israel as a military training ground where they always test a new weapon, on the bodies of Palestinian children. In the last attack the Jews used a new weapon which causes melting of the skin and human flesh. In the previous ones they used chemical weapons... Doesn't this remind you of the Nazi concentration camps and experiments that they performed on humans?! Remember - Nazism never disappeared, it only moved from Germany to the USA, Israel, Serbia... They are the people that have taken the right for themselves to perform ethnic cleansing and genocide and go unpunished. Those people consider themselves to be special, unique, they are very "religious", they are the oldest, most powerful... in short, they are everything and the rest of us are no one and nothing.
While rockets fall on Gaza the Jews applaud euphorically
Every time the Israeli army commits a massacre on Gaza according to an established programme which has been perfected in Israel but also in the west, a group of ten Jews or some Jewish organization protests the attacks on Gaza, in order to fool the international audience and suggest: "Not all Jews support the genocide over Palestine!". This is accompanied by the media and delivered to the world in order to fool the world that one day in Israel cool heads shall prevail. However, if that day ever comes in Palestine and Gaza not a single Palestinian will be left - all will be dead or exiled. The real truth is that 95% of Jews gives support to all military actions and continuation of the ethnic cleansing since it enables the construction of new neighbourhoods and expansion of territory.
And that such is the case is confirmed by this, namely, a few days after the start of another continuation of the long-term genocide, pictures of Jews sitting outside and euphorically chanting each rocket that fell on Gaza appeared?! Yes, you read correctly - those people enjoyed in each new kill, each new destruction and each new horror. Yes, say it out loud - they are not people, they are monsters! For a long time now there are no people in Israel only monsters, vampires and oafs. And the pinnacle of this horror is the statement of the war criminal Benjamin Netyanahu which claimed that "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East!" Yes, you also read this correctly  - the only democracy???!!! If democracy is undertaking ethnic cleansing and genocide, celebrate killing of children and civilians then they thought us wrong what the term actually means. That's why I will correct the statement of the war criminal since he actually meant to say that: "Israel is the only demonocraty in the Middle East". Since there is no difference between demons, those that hate people and the Jews.
Voice against Israel and against genocide!
Avigodr Liberman in the midst  of the continuation of the genocide on the Palestinians, when the death toll crossed the horrific number of 700 killed, called UNHCR "council for terrorism", clearly stating that ethnic cleansing in Gaza will be continued?! In such a manner Israel once again told the world that it has no intention for peace with Palestine, even though the western media try to portray it otherwise.
When we analyze the chronology of the events in the Middle East we come to a conclusion that terrorism was born in Israel, when a genocide creation was born on the foundations of ethnic cleansing, terrorism and crimes. Palestinians, who have been struggling against this for centuries, are being called terrorists by the western media while the criminals have been presented as victims?! To the Jews, terrorism was a starting point from which they would begin to exile and kill the Palestinian people.
Because of such policy of the western countries, especially USA, the Jews without any type of prosecution, undertook war crimes for centuries over the Palestinian people in order to fulfil the plan of systematic destruction of Palestine.
Today we all know that Jews are the Nazi's of the Middle East, a monstrous and primitive people which raise their children to hate and kill. The Jews are a threat to world peace, international legal order, their policy of genocide sends a clear message to all other military regimes of the world that genocide can be performed without any consequences. That is a dangerous message and was an inspiration to many war criminals and genocide, such as the one in Bosnia, and there will be more. That's why all nations of the world must isolate Israel, sanction it, cease diplomatic relations and force that monstrous people to be punished for war crimes and deaths of over a million of Palestinians. Remember, who ever helps Israel in any way to perform attacks and massacres in Gaza is a direct participant of the genocide over this people. I think that no sane person in this world would like to do that. That's why we need to raise our voice against Israel and against genocide!