subota, 4. veljače 2017.

Bosnian prophecy 2

The collapse of capitalism, recession, headless wars in the Middle East, rise of China, Europe weakening, are only some of the signs of the coming of a new age in which the domination of western states ends and new world leaders emerge.

China- rulers of the world

According to the prophecies of the 20th century in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosnian people claimed that the "yellow ants" (Chinese) will rule in the 21st century. According to that prophecy in the 20th century the white race (white ants) was supposed to rule, which was reflected in the rule of USSR and USA. As we know USSR vanished begining 90's of the previous century. Judging by the claims of the elderly Bosniaks the time of American domination is at its end, and it is clearly shown in the last turbulent decade in which the USA led by two disastrous presidents, Bush and Obama, made a lot of bad judgments and actions, whose repercussions are being felt now.

Iran- military power

The USA, in the last 10 years, created an ideal environment that promoted Iran into a single military and nuclear power in the Middle East. Attacking Iraq, the USA weakened Iran's greatest adversary. Today Iraq is a country doomed to internal division and military and economic powerlessness. Attacking Afghanistan, a traditional ally of Iran, made things even worse and convinced the Afghan people that Taliban's are the best solution that they have at their disposal. The Taliban are objectively the only victors in this war. Current attempts of the USA and Europe to create a similar scenario in Syria weren't fruitful. With such an attempt the USA made another bad move and created an adversary from a former ally that will certainly seek to ally itself with Iran. All in all they created an ideal environment for the creation of a powerful Shia union that will return Iran on the throne of military power. A similar thing is happening with Egypt. With that, we come to the Islamic prophecy of Israel's final destruction whose end was announced. "Israel will exist for 70 years and then it will be destroyed by Allah's will", claims the old prophecy. With that the Middle East would be finally free of the culprit that created all the unrest in that part of the world.

USA politic: Pay and kill

As is known the USA is a country that functions on the principle of its own self interest. The country that has enough money to pay for their protection and propaganda like Israel and Saudi Arabia will be spared of their 'democratic' judgment. Even though Israel has been committing horrible crimes against Palestine for over 40 years, destroying their houses and enlarging its territory, the "Democratic USA" has been blind to this fact because of all the money that the Jews are making for them. Every word that the American president utters in Israel's defence is well paid and probably costs several millions.
The second example is Saudi Arabia which is also a large treasury, and as long as the royal family keeps buying the USA off, none of the American politicians will utter one word against violation of human rights or religious fanaticism. The third example is Turkey. As long as it is serving the interests of USA and NATO it is allowed to wage its war against the Kurd population just like Israel is allowed to wage war against Palestine.

When the earth is shaken with her (violent) shaking
And the earth brings forth her burdens,
And man says: What has befallen her?
On that day she shall tell her news,
Because your Lord had inspired her.
On that day men shall come forth in sundry bodies that they may be shown their works.
So. he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it
And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.

(Qu'ran, 99 – The Shaking)